Name | Value |
TEXT | ENTER PHARMACY INTERVENTION PROVIDER CONTACTED: SHORR,GREGORY PHYSICIAN The next question asked is if your recommendtaion was accepted. If you enter a 'N' you will then be asked if you agree with the provider for not accepting your recommendation. RECOMMENDATION ACCEPTED: NO AGREE WITH PROVIDER: NO The next fields asked are word processing fields that you can use to enter a You can choose this option by entering NINT at the more descriptive account of the intervention and the possible impacts of the interventions. None of these fields are used in the reporting process for sorting or anything but they will be displayed with the entry. If you do not wish to enter anything you must hit the Enter or Return key for each field. REASON FOR INTERVENTION: 1> ACTION TAKEN: 1> CLINICAL IMPACT: 1> FINANCIAL IMPACT: 1> Select Pharmacy Intervention Menu option: prompt. You are first asked to put in the date of the intervention, you may enter any valid Fileman format for dates. If you are not sure what they are you can enter a '?' at the prompt. If you are recording the intervention on the day it occured it is easiest just to enter a 'T' which stands for today. Select APSP INTERVENTION INTERVENTION DATE: T JUL 15, 1990 ARE YOU ADDING 'JUL 15, 1990' AS A NEW APSP INTERVENTION (THE 4TH)? Y (YES) You are then asked for the name of the patient. You can use the patient's chart number or enter the patient's lastname, first name. APSP INTERVENTION PATIENT: THATCHER,KATE The ENTER PHARMACY INTERVENTION option is used to create any F 11-18-31 000820008 SE 100028 Next enter the Drug name involved in the intervention. This drug must be in your local drug file. APSP INTERVENTION DRUG: IBUPROFEN 400MG TAB Enter the provider involved: PROVIDER: SHORR,GREGORY PHYSICIAN IHS Then you are asked to enter the department which initiated the intervention. new Pharmacy Intervention records. The recording of pharmacy The default is the pharmacy. You can see the choices by entering '??' at the prompt. INSTITUTED BY: PHARMACY// ?? This field is asking who initially brought up the need for an intervention. You should enter a '?' to see your choices. The choices currently offered include : Pharmacy, Nursing, Provider, Patient or Family, and Other (to catch everybody else). CHOOSE FROM: 1 PHARMACY interventions allows the pharmacy to document any interventions it is doing 2 PROVIDER 3 NURSING 4 PATIENT OR FAMILY 5 OTHER INSTITUTED BY: PHARMACY// Next you will enter the type of intervention or the cause of the intervention. If none of the categories fit the intervention you may enter Other for the intervention. If you enter 'Other' you will next see a word processing field which you can use to enter your own description. If you use 'Other' you will along with allowing rapid retrieval and anyalysis of the types of interventions. not be able to sort on what you enter. INTERVENTION: ?? You are given Other'. CHOOSE FROM: 1 INAPPROPRIATE DRUG 2 INCORRECT DOSE 3 INCORRECT FORM OR ROUTE OF ADMINISTRATION 4 INCORRECT DOSING INTERVAL OR SCHEDULE 5 CONTRAINDICATION FOR USE The option appears on the INTM (Pharmacy Intervention Menu) menu as: 6 ALLERGY 7 INCORRECT PATIENT 8 DRUG OF CHOICE NOT PRESCRIBED WITH NO APPARENT JUSTIFICATION 9 EXCESSIVE LENGTH OF THERAPY OR QUANTITY 10 NON-FORMULARY MEDICATION 11 OMMISSION ORDER 12 ORDER FOR DISCONTINUED MEDICATION 13 THERAPEUTIC DUPLICATION ORDERED 14 MEDICATION NOT PREPARED OR ADMINISTERED 15 TRANSCRIPTION ERROR 16 CLARIFICATION OF ORDER 17 OTHER Enter in your recommendation. You may also use 'Other" here and you will again see a word processing field to enter your own recommendation. Same limitations appply regarding sorting of reports. 7 CHANGE DOSING INTERVAL 8 NO CHANGE NINT Enter Pharmacy Intervention 9 OTHER RECOMMENDATION: 1 CHANGE DRUG If a provider was contacted about your recommendation enter a 'Yes' at the next prompt. If you enter a 'Y" you will then be asked for the name of the provider contacted since many times they may be different from the original provider. WAS PROVIDER CONTACTED: YES |
DATE ENTERED | 1990-09-16 00:00:00 |