Name | Value |
TEXT | PRINT PHARMACY INTERVENTION You can choose this option by entering PINT at the Select Pharmacy Intervention Menu option: prompt. First you enter the date range of the report by entering the start and go to dates. You may enter the standard Fileman formats for the dates. START WITH INTERVENTION DATE: FIRST// T-120 GO TO INTERVENTION DATE: LAST// T Next you enter the device to print the report on. It is always recommended to enter a 'Q' to queue the report for some later time after the clinic or hospital is not as busy. You cannot queue a report to your terminal or to a slave printer. DEVICE: The report will print out sorted by the type of Intervention over a date range. You will get a subcount and total count for the interventions. The subtotal and The PRINT PHARMACY INTERVENTION option is used to print a report total will give you the number of interventions that your recommendation was accepted while the subcount and count will give you the number of interventions of each type and the total number of interventions over the specified date range. The following is an example of printing a Pharmacy Intervention report. Example Print Pharmacy Intervention by date range of all the interventions sorted by the intervention type or what START WITH INTERVENTION DATE: FIRST// T-120 GO TO INTERVENTION DATE: LAST// T DEVICE: 0;75;10 PHARMACY INTERVENTION LISTING JUL 15,1990 13:18 PAGE 1 INTERVENTION: ALLERGY the reason for the intervention was. The option appears on the INTM INTERVENTION DATE: JUN 13,1990 PATIENT: KENNEDY,ANITA PROVIDER: CURTIS,CLAYTON PHARMACIST: ADAM,ADAM DRUG: PENICILLIN VK 250MG TAB INSTITUTED BY: PHARMACY RECOMMENDATION: CHANGE DRUG WAS PROVIDER CONTACTED: YES RECOMMENDATION ACCEPTED: YES PROVIDER CONTACTED: CURTIS,CLAYTON REASON FOR Patient allergy to penicillin. (Pharmacy Intervention Menu) menu as: ACTION TAKEN: Prescribed erythromycin SUBTOTAL 1 SUBCOUNT 1 INTERVENTION: INAPPROPRIATE DRUG INTERVENTION DATE: JUN 14,1990 PATIENT: WATERMAN,RAE PROVIDER: STRUMSTEAD,BARBARA PHARMACIST: MASON,BILL DRUG: IBUPROFEN 400MG TAB 40S: MCCAIN,JAMES DRUG: IBUPROFEN 400MG TAB INSTITUTED BY: PHARMACY RECOMMENDATION: CHANGE DRUG WAS PROVIDER CONTACTED: YES RECOMMENDATION ACCEPTED: NO PROVIDER CONTACTED: SHORR,GREGORY ------------------- -- SUBTOTAL 1 SUBCOUNT 2 PINT Print Pharmacy Intervention -- TOTAL 3 COUNT 4 |
DATE ENTERED | 1990-09-16 00:00:00 |