Name | Value |
HEADER | ************ ACOS CALL FOR DATA - DOCUMENTATION *********** |
TEXT | ONCOANC0 Documentation for running ONCOANC0.EXE. COUNT = COUNT + 1 FOR A = 1 TO 8 D$ = D$ + A$(A) NEXT A E$ = SPACE$(326) D$ = D$ + E$ PRINT #2, D$ PRINT "."; D$ = "" E$ = "" FOR A = 1 TO 8 A$(A) = "" NEXT A ONCOANC0.EXE is a compiled QuickBasic MSDOS program that is the GOTO START OVER: CLOSE #1 CLOSE #2 CLS PRINT "DONE! Processed "; COUNT; " Records." companion to mumps program ONCOANC0. The DOS portion is required to turn the captured output of Mumps program ONCOANC0 into the 850 byte record format that Data Acquisition Manual requires. You will need an IBM compatible hooked up to DHCP (either by modem or direct connect) and a terminal emulator . The terminal emulator must be able to capture data from the screen into a disk log file. We used Procomm v2.01 for our tests. Operating instructions. After compiling, place ONCOANC0.EXE into your terminal emulator's directory. Log onto DHCP and get into programmer. ONCOANC0 is a Mumps program that will search oncology primary file, Run ONCOANC0 (MUMPS) After inputting the date and hitting enter you must open a log file. You will have approximately 1 minute to do so. The log file MUST be named ONCOANC0.DTA - It is VERY important to name it exactly as shown. Close the log file when ONCOANC0 returns you to the programmer prompt. Log/out of DHCP. ^ONCO(165.5, and oncology patient file, ^ONCO(160, for CALL FOR DATA Quit your terminal emulator. Run ONCOANC0 (MSDOS) - The resulting file (ONCOANC0.DAT) will be the one sent to DAM. ****************************************************************** Below is part of an actual DHCP session. information. Information is validated as it is retrieved. Program >D ^ONCOANC0 ENTER DAM 6 DIGIT HOSPITAL REGISTRY ID: 123456 ENTER ACCESSION YEAR (85/90): 90 ******************************************************************** * Here is where you will open your log file with a filename of * * ONCOANC0.DTA It is VERY important to name it exactly as shown.* * In ProComm you will do an ALT F1 to start your logging. * is invoked by D ^ONCOANC0. Six-digit DAM registry ID and Accession * Data begins below. Only 1 record is shown. You will have more. * * Mailman will probably cause the word wrapping of the data to be * * off. * ******************************************************************** IB7632000361234560SIOUX FALLS IA999571050000 401301083121719 06^ 05399 010110199019990812033991 90 123456^ 900002 0116199001221990110000001 9992200900 2^ 3 0 1 101181990 ^ 011819901000000000 042019901000000^ year (85 OR 90) is required. Program must be rerun if more than one 12071990^ 028 0420199019 92449^ 2 2^ > ******************************************************************** * At this point, close your log file (ALT F1 again), quit Procomm * * and exit to DOS. You should still be in your Procomm directory * * Type ONCOANC0 to run the conversion to 850 byte records that DAM* * requires. The resulting file will be called ONCOANC0.DAT. * ******************************************************************** year is to be searched. QuickBasic "source" for ONCOANC0.EXE follows. CLS PRINT "WORKING"; OPEN "ONCOANC0.DTA" FOR INPUT AS #1 OPEN "ONCOANC0.DAT" FOR OUTPUT AS #2 START: FOR A = 1 TO 8 LINE INPUT #1, A$(A) IF EOF(1) THEN GOTO OVER IF A$(A) = "" THEN GOTO START IF ASC(A$(A)) < 16 THEN GOTO START B = LEN(A$(A)) - 1 A$(A) = MID$(A$(A), 1, B) NEXT A |
DATE ENTERED | 1992-08-16 10:56:20 |