Name | Value |
HEADER | Event Code Screens (Create) |
TEXT | ** You must create Event Capture Locations with the Current Locations This option allows you to create Event Code Screens for one or all Event Capture locations. Event Code Screens define procedure information. During data entry, users can select only the procedures defined in the Event Code Screens. For each screen, you are prompted to enter the following information: - DSS Unit - Category (If DSS Units are defined to group procedures by categories) - Procedure (Enter/Edit) option before using this option. ** When creating the screens for specific locations, you are prompted to enter the following additional information: - Location name (If you chose not to create the screen for ALL locations) - Associated Clinic (If the DSS Unit is defined to send data to PCE) - Synonym (The locally-recognized name for a local or national procedure) - Volume (The number of times the procedure was performed or the length of time it took) When deleting an Event Code Screen, the prompt "The selected Event Code Screen will be deleted. Continue?" will check for any workload on the Event Code Screen. - If there is workload on the selected Event Code Screen, then the Event Code Screen will not be deleted. - If there is no workload on the selected Event Code Screen, then the Event Code Screen will be deleted. ** You must create DSS Units with the DSS Units for Event Capture (Enter/Edit) option before using this option. ** ** You must define Event Code Screens in order to enter Event Capture data. ** |
DATE ENTERED | 1997-03-26 09:42:00 |