Name Value
HEADER Moving a set of Delegated Options to a new user
   The user you are being asked to identify will recieve all of
menu options.  He will also be able to create new menus which
contain the options he has been delegated.
   The menu options that you are transfering to this user will not
replace any options the user has been previously delegated.  They
will be added to those options, if any.
the options now delegated to the user you previously specified.
Note that you will later be allowed to add or subtract options
from this list and even specify yet another user to recieve this
same set of options.
   You may enter a user's name or DUZ.  You may also enter an '^'
to exit from this program with no action taken.
   The person you here specify will be allowed to assign the options
delegated to him to other users either as primary or secondary
DATE ENTERED 1989-01-20 00:00:00