* Add Lines * Join List Line(s)
* Break a Line * Move Line
* Change Every String * Print Line(s)
* Delete Line(s) * Repeat Line(s)
* Edit a Line * Search & Transfer
* Insert Line(s)
The Transfer command allows you to use all VA FileMan text fields (via
extended references) and especially MailMan messages as a scratch pad. To
use the Transfer command enter a 'T' after the 'Edit option:' prompt and
When using the Line Editor, one line is entered at a time, with a carriage
enter a message subject, internal message identification number, or an
extended reference to any other file with a TEXT field.
return being entered at the end of each line. Line numbers which appear at
the left of the screen are used for reference while editing and are not
part of the message. When the entire message is entered, the user enters a
carriage return at the line number of the next line. The 'Edit Option:'
prompt then appears. Entering '??' will display the editor options, which