Setting a delivery basket overrides any filters created by a recipient of
the message. Also, if allowed by a recipient and the mail basket specified
does not already exist, MailMan will create the new delivery mail basket
for that recipient.
To set the delivery basket for a message, enter a 'D' at the 'Select
Message option: Transmit now//' prompt.
You can use the Delivery Basket Set action code (i.e., 'D') to specify the
intended delivery mail basket for all recipients of the message you are
sending. Depending on how each recipient has set their delivery basket
[PRIVILEGES] using the Delivery Basket Edit option on the Personal
Preferences menu, the message may or may not be delivered to the intended
basket set by you. However, the message will still be delivered to each
recipient's mailbox. The delivery basket specified remains in effect, even
if a recipient forwards the message to another MailMan user.