won't be changing, and then, using the Opposite Selection Toggle, to
reverse your selection and perform the action on the majority of the
opposite messages in the message list.
In order to use the Opposite Selection Toggle, you must have first
selected at least one message in the list of messages. When you have
successfully selected a message, a right-angle bracket ('>') is displayed
to the left of the selected message in the list.
To toggle from the selected messages to the unselected messages (and vice
You can use the Opposite Selection Toggle action code (i.e., 'O') to
versa), you enter 'O' after the 'Enter message number or command:' prompt.
reverse or choose the opposite of your selected messages in a list of
messages that have been selected for subsequent group action.
Using this action code allows you to simply select unselected
messages and deselect previously selected messages. This can be useful
when you have a long list of messages and the majority of the messages
will undergo the same action. It's easier to select a smaller group that