- 1.0
- DATE DISTRIBUTED: 2001-11-07 00:00:00
- DATE INSTALLED AT THIS SITE: 2001-12-31 00:00:00
A site reported a problem where a one-time order could not be discontinued
system parameter is not defined, the system will use the continuous order
parameters to determine the stop date, rather than the start and stop date
being equal. Then, when BCMA marks the medication as 'Given', Inpatient
Medications will expire the order. NOIS# BUT-0501-20609
by the provider because it was expired due to the start and stop date
being the same. However, the medication still displayed in Bar Code
Medication Administration (BCMA) V. 1.0 because of the 12-hour rule for
displaying one-time orders on the Virtual Due List. This patch corrects
this problem by changing the way the stop date for one-time orders is
calculated. There will be a ward parameter, system parameter and the
standard calculation. The hierarchy will be to check the one-time ward
parameter first, if not defined, check the system parameter. If the