Build Description LR*5.2*169
companion DSS patch ECX*2*26) extract utilizes the LAB DATA file (#63)
and does not require the LAB ORDER ENTRY file (#69) or the ACCESSION
file (#68). Implementation of the DSS LAR Application Programmer
Interface (API) DOES require that the Laboratory Information Manager
(LIM) link the 12 DSS LAR tests in the DSS LAB TESTS file (#727.2) to
all local corresponding tests in the LABORATORY TEST file (#60).
Linking of DSS clinical tests has NO EFFECT ON WORKLOAD DATA CAPTURE.
You should link the atomic test in LABORATORY TEST (#60) file that is
used to report the result.
For DSS purposes, these corresponding laboratory tests must be linked
to the WKLD CODE file (#64) and must be individually orderable (atomic)
tests. The link between LABORATORY TEST file (#60) and the WKLD CODE
file (#64) is accomplished by assigning a WKLD CODE. The NATIONAL
NATIONAL VA LAB CODE field (#64) of the LABORATORY TEST file (#60)
provides this linkage.
The NATIONAL VA LAB CODE field (#64) is not used by LMIP data capture
software and will not effect LMIP counts. Patch LR*5.2*127 provided a
menu, National Laboratory File [LR7O 60-64], to link the LABORATORY
TEST file (#60) to the WKLD CODE file (#64).
NOTE: When linking the DSS LAR tests to local laboratory tests, only
atomic Laboratory Tests are selectable. Panel tests are NOT permitted to
be linked to any DSS survey test.
The DSS LAR extract also requires the LIM to identify all specimens
that are derived from blood or urine, i.e., plasma, serum, clean
catch. The LAB DSS LAR API will use these specimens to screen patient's
This patch corrects the <UNDEF> error at TEST+3^LRCAPDAR ^(64).
results in the LAB DATA file (#63) and extract information for the 12
DSS tests.
The local DSS Coordinator will seek the LIM's assistance to identify
tests and specimens. This should require less than 30 minutes to
complete. The LIM is not required to actually initiate the data
extraction. This step will be completed by the local DSS Coordinator.
The program has been modified to accept the new file structure put in
place by the Decision Support System Extracts (DSS) patch ECX*2*18.
The DSS Laboratory Results (LAR) EXTRACT (patch LR*5.2*169 and the