1. Routine: TIUDEV
a new note using the CPRS GUI.
- TIUSRVLL: Added a condition to assure that UNSIGNED
addenda are included in the list of notes presented
to an author using the Review Progress Notes option.
- TIUSRVLO: Modified date limit computation to assure
that both upper and lower bounds are inclusive (e.g.,
from TODAY to TODAY will get all of today's notes),
when accessed through CPRS (this was already true
within TIU itself).
- TIUSRVP: Modified the VALIDATE function for evaluating
Added ZTSAVE("OR*") to the list of variables to be
electronic signatures passed from a client application
to exclude a match when the user's es is NULL, and the
string passed from the calling application is NULL.
Routine Summary:
The following is a list of the routines included in this patch. The
second line of each of these routines will look like:
<tab>;;1.0;TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES;**[Patch List]**;Jun 20, 1997
saved in the call to ^%ZTLOAD for queued output.
Routine Name Before Patch After Patch Patch List
============ ============ =========== ==========
TIUDEV 663743 715912 1
TIUEDI2 2954081 3117146 1
TIUEDIT 15928365 16237072 1
TIULA2 11422552 11932899 1
TIULG 2290558 2618361 1
TIULX 3630728 3681078 1
TIUPEFIX 8681313 8870198 1
This was done to prevent an UNDEF error when queuing
TIUPRD 3348806 3379168 1
TIURA 15894554 15915703 1
TIURC 15436202 15421240 1
TIURD1 20613578 19512855 1
TIUSRV 15487391 15503668 1
TIUSRVD 4955592 5082369 1
TIUSRVLL 6543081 6594347 1
TIUSRVLO 8206046 8457918 1
TIUSRVP 8220630 8488903 1
output from the Notes and Summaries Tabs of the CPRS
Data Dictionary:
This patch also exports a partial DD for the .01 field of file 8925,
with a correction to the KILL LOGIC for the ASVC2 Cross-reference on
that field.
Input Templates:
PN were modified to allow editing of expected cosigner, whenever one
may have been designated. These templates formerly only asked for
expected cosigner when the author was known to require one. This
prohibited editing of mis-designated cosigners for notes that were
captured through the upload process.
Installation Instructions:
This patch may be installed with users on the system; however, it
should be installed at a non-peak time to minimize disruption to
the users. Installation of this patch will take less than 2 minutes.
1. Use the INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE option on the Packman Menu.
2. Review your mapped set. If any of the routines listed in this
patch are mapped, they should be removed from the mapped set at
this time, along with TIUXRC* and TIUEPN*, which include the
code for compiled cross-references and input template effected
2. Routines: TIUEDI2 TIUEDIT
by this patch.
3. From the Kernel Installation and Distribution System (KIDS) Menu,
select the Installation menu.
4. From the Installation menu, you may elect to use the following
options (when prompted for INSTALL NAME, enter TIU*1.0*1):
a. Backup a Transport Global
b. Compare Transport Global to Current System
c. Verify Checksums in Transport Global
Modified TIUEDI2 to prevent prompting inappropriately
5. Use the Install Package(s) option and select the package TIU*1.0*1.
6. When prompted 'Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and
Protocols? YES//', respond YES, and DISABLE the TIU* Options and
7. If routines were unmapped as part of step 2, they should be returned
to the mapped set once the installation has run to completion.
for the user to edit an unsaved note, for which they
are not listed as the person by whom the note was
entered. Modified TIUEDIT to assure that demographic
variables are scoped appropriately between patients
during successive entry of multiple TIU documents.
3. Routine: TIULA2
- Modified the display of titles to indicate the title
for which an addendum has been entered, and to pre-
pend a "+" when a document has addenda, or a "*" when
a document is an unsigned "STAT" document.
PATCH 1: This patch resolves a number of problems with the Remote
- Modified the selection code to allow multiple
selection at any '^' TO STOP prompt, and to support
the selection of an indefinite number of notes,
without resulting in a STRLEN error, which had been
reported by WPB when a range of approximately 200
notes was selected.
4. Routine: TIULG WPB NOIS COS-0797-N0060
Modified the BADSIG subroutine to print the message:
Procedure Calls which support CPRS, the scoping of demographic variables,
when the user elects not to sign the note on exit
from the entry or edit function, rather than echoing
a message indicating how to enter their electronic
signature code using the User's Toolbox option.
5. Routine: TIULX
Modified the CWAD subroutine to assure that the
variable GMRPQT is appropriately scoped, prior to
calling PAT^GMRPNOR1 to get the string indicating
which CWAD indicators were on file for the current
and one of the cross-references supporting the query by Service, which
patient, and setting the variable VALMBCK="R" to
assure that the Notes and Summaries Tabs of the
CPRS chart are properly refreshed on return from
a call to this subroutine.
6. Routine: TIUPEFIX
Modified the STUFREC subroutine to assure that the
appropriate status is computed when resolving upload
have been reported since release of TIU.
7. Routine: TIUPRD
Modified the Print Driver to ensure that all documents
identified in a call to the routine do exist, and are
not merely artifacts of corrupt cross-reference entries
left by disconnect errors, or other interrupted
8. Routine: TIURA
Added a NEW command at the line tag PRINTX to scope
the variable IOSTBM appropriately, and allow printing
of documents to VA FileMan's Browser device.
9. Routine: TIURC
Fixed the COPY function to assure that the appropriate
visit location was being recorded for the "destination"
note, rather than copying the visit location from the
"source" note.
10. Routine: TIURD1
Modified to resolve a number of issues with reassign-
The following routines are included in this distribution:
ment of addenda (particularly following signature),
including the scrambling of signature blocks when
addenda were swapped with, or moved to replace their
11. Routines: TIUSRV TIUSRVD
These routines, which primarily support TIU's Remote
Procedure Calls, were modified to fix several issues
that were identified during implementation of CPRS
v1.0T12 at WPB, as follows:
- TIUSRV: the variable VALMAR needed to be scoped
using the NEW command to avoid collision with the
variable's value in the calling environment,
- TIUSRVD: the variables VAIN and VADM were scoped
using the NEW command to avoid leaving demographic
and inpatient variables around between successive
patients. The subroutine TRAVERSE was modified to
filter inactive titles from the list when composing