PERSON CLASS file patch.
NOTE: The file PERSON CLASS is in global ^USC. This will be a NEW global
for most sites. Please be sure to place this global and add it to your
translation tables. This is a static file.
The patch also:
Adds a PERSON CLASS field to the NEW PERSON file. This multiple includes
the following fields: NUMBER (.001), PERSON CLASS (.01), EFFECTIVE DATE
User documentation for this patch in PDF (Portable Document Format) is
Adds the PERSON CLASS field to the following options: Edit an Existing
User, Add a New User to the System, and Reactivate a User.
Adds three new menu options:
PERSON CLASS EDIT ,(XU-PERSON CLASS EDIT), to the User Management menu.
This option only allows entry of PERSON CLASS data.
User PC Build Print, (XUSER PC BUILD) to print the entries of the
individuals in the NEW PERSON file who hold the Provider key AND have a
available on the Infrastructure Home Page at
Verify Code. It prints these fields: NAME, PROVIDER CLASS (free text),
and PROVIDER TYPE (set of codes). The last two fields may contain data
only at sites that have implemented Decision Support System (DSS). This
option is not attached to a menu but may be added to the secondary menu of
any user who will be working on this project.
User PC Build Edit, (XUSER PC BUILD EDIT), a straight DIE option to allow
fast entry of PERSON CLASS data. This option is not attached to a menu
but may be added to the secondary menu of a user who will be performing
data entry. under New
routine new checksum
XUA4A72 1853480
1. This is a new routine and will not be mapped on any systems.
2. Use the 'INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE' option on the PackMan menu.
Person file. The PDF documentation may also be retrieved from the
This option will load the KIDS package onto your system.
3. The patch has now been loaded into a Transport global on your
system. You now need to use KIDS to install the Transport global.
On the KIDS menu, under the 'Installation' menu, use the following
Print Transport Global
Compare Transport Global to Current System
Verify Checksums in Transport Global
Backup a Transport Global
4. Users can remain on the system.
anonymous directories at Hines, Albany, and Salt Lake City with the
5. On the KIDS menu, under the 'Installation' menu, use the following
Install Package(s) 'XU*8.0*27'
6. MSM Sites - Answer YES to the question 'Want to MOVE routines to
other CPUs?'. Enter the names of your Compute and Print server(s).
7. AXP Sites, after patch has installed, rebuild your map set.
filename of 'XU_8_27.pdf'.
$$GET^XUA4A72(duz[, date])
Returns the 'IEN^Profession^Specialty^Sub-specialty^Effect date
^Expired date^VA code' for the person identified by the DUZ in effect
on the date passed in (TODAY if no date passed in). The date is in
internal format.
Returns -1 if DUZ doesn't point to a valid user or user has never had a
Person Class assigned. Returns -2 if no active Person Class on that
Returns the VA CODE from the Person Class file that corresponds to
the IEN number passed in. If the IEN isn't valid it returns the empty
This patch adds a new file PERSON CLASS (8932.1) with data.