*** Patch for MSM sites ***
to the Cookbook to come out with recommendations on settings. If unsure
what value to use leave the TASK PARTITION SIZE field blank and your
current sysgen value will be used.
routine new checksum
ZTM0 5451877
ZUMSM 2237614
1. This patch is only for MSM sites.
2. Use the 'INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE' option on the PackMan menu. This
option will load the KIDS package onto your system.
3. On the KIDS menu, under the 'Installation' menu, use the following
Print Transport Global
Compare Transport Global to Current System
Verify Checksums in Transport Global
Backup a Transport Global
This patch changes ZU (for MSM) to look in the TASKMAN SITE PARAMETERS
Install Package(s)
4. Stop TASKMAN.
5. On the KIDS menu, under the 'Installation' menu, use the following
Install Package(s) 'XU*8.0*42'
6. MSM Sites - Answer YES to the question 'Want to MOVE routines to
other CPUs?'. Enter the names of your Compute and Print server(s).
7. After installing this patch, you need to one routine from
your productions account to the manager account:
file for the TASK PARTITION SIZE field. If this field has data then a
and in the manager account rename
ZTM0 to %ZTM0
Example: ZL ZTM0 ZS %ZTM0
8. Restart TASKMAN.
call is made to the MSM utility %PARTSIZ to change the jobs partition
size limit. TASKMAN will also use this value in its job command when
starting a new submanager. This will allow sites to reduce the default
partition size in SYSGEN, increasing the number of disk buffers.
This will allow sites to adjust partition site for running PCE. Look