It is very important to install this patch prior to the end of
will correct this problem.
Some sites have not been reporting all Issue From Stock transactions on
AMIS due to the Delivery Date either being null, or a Delivery date
outside the AMIS reporting period. To correct this problem, the Delivery
Date is no longer asked and the routine will stuff in the current date.
Once this patch has been installed have Prosthetics use the List Open
Stock Issues option and make sure all transactions have a Delivery Date
with the date they are doing the data entry. This will assure that all
the quarter to assure that Prosthetics will report accurate
transactions are counted on AMIS.
This patch also addresses the problems from the following NOIS reports:
Checksum Before After
RMPROPN1 7720327 7297330
RMPR29C 7821428 7921291
RMPR6 20477861 20520152
RMPR29A 17059538 17069195
RMPRSTK 15195669 14968768
1. Use the 'INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE' option on the PackMan menu. This
option will load the KIDS package in this message onto your system.
2. Answer NO to the question: 'Shall I preserve what is on disk in a
separate back-up message ?'
3. The patch has now been loaded into a Transport global on your
system. You now need to use KIDS to install the Transport global.
4. From the 'Installation' menu, use the option 'Verify Checksums 'in
the Transport Global' and verify that all routines have the correct
Sites that have a Prosthetic Lab, AMIS currently will double count 2421's.
5. On the KIDS menu, under the 'Installation' menu, use the option
'Install Package(s)'. Select the package 'RMPR*3.0*13' and proceed with
This patch corrects this problem.
When the option 'List Open Stock Issues' is used, the new VISA Purchase
Card transactions show on the list as well as Stock Issues. This patch