This is Patch 6 to Survey Generator v 2.0. It provides:
pointer to a file that pointed to another
file and the application lookup routine was
on the first file.
BRX-1195-11059 Demographic questions in free text format
were supposed to be limited to a length of
from 1 to 40 characters; not 3 to 40. The
DIR(0) was set to a limit of 3 to 40; even
though the DD is set to handle 1 to 40.
QAPPT1 DAY-1195-40313 Users were unable to print a copy of the
incomplete survey with their answers, as
documented on page 63 of the Users Guide.
This fix allows the intended use of the
"Print A Copy For Yourself" option.
Routine: NOIS: Fix:
QAPDEM1 DAY-0796-40387 Prevent UNDEF error in a case where an
application lookup routine is invoked in
place of DIC lookup and Y is not set to
-1 when an error occurred in the lookup.
This occurred when the demographic was a