** Only MSM sites need to install this patch **
From: MPM in 'DAILY MPM' basket. Page 1
deal with reports, <CLOBR> errors could be reported if someone is running
a report.
1. Use TaskMan's Schedule/Unschedule to *unschedule* the following
option: [XUCSTASK PURGE CM DATA] 'Auto Purge of CM Data'. See
Enhancement #5 above.
2. Use the 'INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE' option on the PackMan menu. This
option will load the KIDS package onto your system.
3. Answer NO to the question:
'Shall I preserve what is on disk in a separate back-up message ?'
4. The patch has now been loaded into a Transport global on your
system. You now need to use KIDS to install the Transport global.
5. On the KIDS menu, under the 'Installation' menu, use the option
'Verify Checksum in Transport Global' and verify that all routines
have the correct checksums.
6. On the KIDS menu, under the 'Installation' menu, use the option
'Install Package(s)'. Select the package 'XT*7.3*14' and proceed
with install.
7. Move the routines to the other Compute/Print servers only.
Name Before After Patch List
XUCS2E 5426963 5731962 14
XUCS4E 1556880 1693814 14
XUCS4R 11613596 12001291 6,14
XUCS4RB 9713051 10100746 6,14
XUCSRV 5969322 5755562 14
CLARKSBURG, WV MPM Summary for FEB 16, 1996 to FEB 16, 1996 (AM&PM)
XUCSTME 13223145 13388433 14
XUCSUTL3 11346798 11524190 6,12,14
XUCSXCD *new* 6351363 14
XUCSXDR *new* 11901373 14
XUCSXGR *new* 7068507 14
XUCSXRT *new* 5016229 14
XUCSXST *new* 5797377 14
Node 540CSA 540CSB 540FSA 540FSB 540FSC 540PSA
CPU Usage % 61 58 8 4 11 37
Disk Usage % 30 26 47 28 50 14
Response Time Sec 0.56 0.62
RTs<2 Seconds % 96 96
There are no known NOIS's associated with this patch
Responses/S 9.9 10.9
Ave. # Jobs 51 51 10 10 10 26
Term InChar/S 19 17 24
Term OutChar/S 971 894 0 0 457
M Commands/S 5958 5917 341 206 982 4059
Global Gets/S 1139 1116 41 23 35 1089
Global S&Ks/S 58 55 9 9 39 46
Disk Reads/S 50 45 21 9 11 19
Disk Writes/S 5 4 2 2 8 6
Read Cache % 93 93 92 93 96 96
Write Cache % 86 86 51 67 67 81
DDP Requests/S 18 17 4 3 14
RVG Requests/S 545 568 443
RVG Cache % 93 94 93
RTH Sessions 2 2 2 2 2 2
Routines affected - XUCSTME, XUCSRV
Enhancement #2 - The routines that are used nationally to compile
monthly comparisons can now be used locally. One menu, with five
Enhancement #1 - As suggested both by the field and 486 Customer
options, and one option have been added to the CM REPORTS menu - they
Service Team, a "Morning Report" in the form of a mail message, will be
Enhancement #3 - A new field was added to the RAW STATISTICS multiple of
file #8987.2. This field is called RVG HITS and represents the number of
RVG cache hits. By using the following formula you can now calculate the
RVG cache efficiency. RVG HITS/TOTAL RVG REUESTS*100=%eff.
Routines affected - XUCS4E, XUCS4R, and XUCS4RB, XUCSTME
Enhancement #4 - A new field was added to the GLOBAL REFERENCES multiple
of file #8987.2. This field is called GLOBAL LOCATION, and it contains
sent to the person(s) listed in the LOCAL CMP RECIPIENTS multiple of the
the Volume Group where a particular global is located, i.e. FDA, CSA, etc.
Routine affected - XUCS2E
Enhancement #5 - It is no longer necessary to schedule separately
the purge of file #8987.2. The purge is now done during the up date of
file #8987.2. The option [XUCSTASK PURGE CM DATA] should be
Routine affected - XUCSTME
Enhancement #6 - The option XUCSTASK FILE UPDATE AUTO
site parameter file #8987.1. The following is a sample report:
(routine: XUCSTME) will now do the following functions:
1. Load the raw RTHIST data into file #8987.2
2. Create the MPM Morning Report and mail it to the
3. Create the server message and mail it to the National Data Base.
4. Purge old data from file #8987.2.
Unreported Bug Fix - When asking for a date range for reports, the
user would always be asked for volume sets. A new variable can now be
passed to entry point A3^XUCSUTL3 called XUCSNOA2 - when set
(i.e. $D(XUCSNOA2)>0) then the volume set questions will not be asked.
Also, when getting the last date for data in file #8987.2, it was always
assumed to be T-1, this has been corrected to display the true last date
in file #8987.2.
Test Sites:
Erie, PA
Muskogee, OK
Beckley, WV
Subj: MPM Morning Report for 2/16/96 [#1508125] 17 Feb 96 02:13 23 Lines
White River Junction, VT
Lincoln, NE
White-City, OR
**Installation Notes: This patch can be queued to run at anytime
*except* when the option [XUCSTASK FILE UPDATE AUTO] 'Tasked CM File
Update' is running. Of course since some of the routines being changed