RPC Broker 1.0 patch 1 contains the following features:
3. The $GET function is no longer used when resolving REFERENCE type
;;1.0;RPC BROKER;**1**;May 24, 1996
Name Checksum Patch List
XWBBRK 3915012 1
XWBBRK2 2906456 1
XWBTCP 3655053 1
XWBTCPC 6796695 1
XWBTCPL 5976073 1
parameters. Therefore, if the parameter reference is undefined,
an M error will be generated and trapped on the server.
4. An MSM null device will be used to catch all inadvertent WRITEs in
RPCs, specifically, those in "ID" nodes of files. This requires
that MSM sites set up the following entry in the DEVICE file:
NAME: NULL $I: (version specific)
$I Value MSM Version
-------- ----------------------------------------
46 MSM for Windows NT, Version 4.3.0 Beta-B
199 MSM for Windows NT, Version 4.2.4
5. The addition of an internal version stamp of Broker packets. This
allows future incremental updates of the RPC Broker without an
1. The removal of extraneous error trap resetting code from the
adverse impact on packages using it.
6. An enhancement that provides support for MULTIPLE Listeners.
With this patch, a site can now start MULTIPLE Broker Listener
processes in ONE account. However, no two listeners, regardless
of the UCIs in which they are running, can share the same port
on one server. Additionally, if two or more Listeners are running
out of the same UCI-volume set, they cannot listen on the same port,
even if the Listener processes are on differen CPUs.
See NOIS SDC-0796-61985.
XWBBRK2 routine. Specifically, lines CAPI+7 - CAPI+8 have
7. A correction of a bug which caused an innocuous error at
RESTART+16^XWBTCPL:1 when stopping the Broker listener.
See NOIS DAY-0796-40990.
8. A correction that fixes a bug in the pattern match on line
CREF+7^XWBBRK2. Previously, this routine would misinterpret
the "E^33310.5" parameter literal as an array.
9. An enhancement that improves the detection of problems during the
been removed.
startup of the Listener. If a Listener cannot start listening
on a given port (e.g., port may be busy), it will generate an
error on the server and retry up to FIVE times while continuously
informing the user of its status.
This patch should be installed during off-peak hours. Users can be on
the system, however, no user should be using any RPC Broker-based
applications during the installation of this patch.
Associated patches: (v)XU*8*24 <<= must be installed BEFORE `XWB*1*1'
1. Check the system status (e.g., %SY or %SS) to see if the XWBTCPL
routine is running (i.e., the Listener process). If it's running,
stop the Listener process by typing D STOP^XWBTCP(nnnn) on the
same CPU where the Listener was started. (NOTE: nnnn is the
2. An enhancement that allows a closed root return value from an
same port which was used to start the Listener).
2. Disable mapping for the affected routines (see routine list
below). These patch routines are usually mapped on systems that
allow mapping.
3. Load the KIDS package onto your system. Use the INSTALL/CHECK
MESSAGE option on the PackMan menu. The patch will be loaded
into a Transport global on your system.
RPC which has a return type of ARRAY.
4. Install the Transport global using KIDS.
5. Use the following options under the Installation menu of the
KIDS menu to complete the installation:
a. Print Transport Global
b. Compare Transport Global to Current System
c. Verify Checksums in Transport Global
d. Backup a Transport Global
e. Install Package(s)
6. MSM Sites - Answer YES to the question "Want to MOVE routines to
other CPUs?". Enter the names of the Compute and Print server(s).
7. AXP Sites - After the patch has been installed, rebuild your
map set.
The second line of the routine now looks like the following: