+ Ability to view and manipulate clinical documents from a single program
+ Upload capability for many types of documents
+ Improved searching and retrieving capabilities across documents
+ Less duplication of effort for clinicians, managers, and other staff
+ Boilerplate support
+ Links to the Computerized Patient Record System (CPRS), Authorization/
Subscription Utility (ASU), Incomplete Record Tracking (IRT), and
interfacility document transfer
+ Planning your Document and User Class hierarchies.
+ Setting up the Document hierarchy so that your current Progress Notes
can be converted into the new TIU structure
+ Setting up and populating the User Classes (ASU)
+ Setting up the Upload Utilities and other TIU parameters
+ Converting existing progress notes and discharge summaries to TIU
+ Switching Progress Notes and Discharge Summary menus to TIU menus
Text Integration Utilities (TIU) is a collection of software tools that
manage clinical documents in a standardized way. The initial release of
Version 1.0 includes Discharge Summary and Progress Notes. TIU replaces
the previous versions of these DHCP packages, while incorporating all of
the functionality of them.
Benefits of TIU