OP |
Current Option Check (in Menu Manager chapter)
This extrinsic function is used to find out if a user
has access to a particular option.
W $$ACCESS(DUZ,Option IEN) returns:
-1:no such user in the New Person File
-2: User terminated or has no access code
-3: no such option in the Option File
0: no access found in any menu tree the user owns
All other cases return a 4-piece string stating
access ^ menu tree IEN ^ a set of codes ^ key
O^tree^codes^key: No access because of locks (see XQCODES below)
where 'tree' is the menu where access WOULD be allowed
and 'key' is the key preventing access
1^OpIEN^^: Access allowed through Primary Menu
2^OpIEN^codes^: Access found in the Common Options
3^OpIEN^codes^: Access found in top level of secondary option
4^OpIEN^codes^: Access through a the secondary menu tree OpIEN.
XQCODES can contain:
N=No Primary Menu in the User File (warning only)
L=Locked and the user does not have the key (forces 0 in first piece)
R=Reverse lock and user has the key (forces 0 in first piece)
Input |
The users DUZ.
option |
Input |
This can be the option name or option IEN.