$$UP(x) |
To convert the string in x to all uppercase letters.
$$LOW(x) |
To convert the string in x to all lowercase letters.
$$STRIP(x,y) |
To strip all instances of character y in string x.
$$REPEAT(x,y) |
To repeat the value of x for y number of times.
$$INVERT(x) |
To invert the order of characters in a string.
$$REPLACE(in,spec) |
Uses a Multi character $TRanslate to replace
specified strings.
$$LJ(s,i,p) |
Left Justify
$$RJ(s,i,p) |
Right Justify
$$CJ(s,i,p) |
Center Justify
$$TRIM(s,f,c) |
$$TRIM^XLFSTR(s[,"[L][R]"][,char]). This call will
trim spaces or other char from the left, right or both sides of a input
string. Examples: W "["_$$TRIM^XLFSTR(" A B C ")_"]" => [A B C] W
"["_$$TRIM^XLFSTR("//A B C//",,"/")_"]" => [A B C] W "["_$$TRIM^XLFSTR("//A B
C//","L","/")_"]" => [A B C//] W "["_$$TRIM^XLFSTR("//A B C//","r","/")_"]" =>
[//A B C]
s |
Input |
This is the string to be worked on.
f |
Input |
This is an optional flag variable and can have a
value of "L" to trim characters from the left/beginning of the string. A
value of "R" will trim characters from the right/end of the string. Or it can
have "LR" to trim both ends. If this value is not sent it defaults to "LR".
c |
Input |
This optional input defaults to a space, It can be
set to trim another character from the input string.
$$TITLE(x) |
Converts a string x into TITLE CASE format (first
letter of each word is uppercase).