Extrinsic function call $$FMDATE^HLFNC(X), converts
HL7 date, date/time, or time to VA FileMan format. X required.
Extrinsic function call $$FMNAME^HLFNC(X), converts
name in HL7 format to a name in DHCP format. X required. HLECH (HL7 encoding
characters) must be defined before calling.
Extrinsic function call $$HLADDR^HLFNC(AD,GL),
converts address information in DHCP format to HL7 format. AD & GL required.
HLECH (HL7 encoding characters) must be defined before calling.
Extrinsic function call $$HLDATE^HLFNC(X,Y), date
&/or time from VA FileMan format to HL7. X required, Y optional.
Extrinsic function call $$HLNAME^HLFNC(X), converts a
name in DHCP format (e.g., lastname,firstname) to HL7 format. X required.
HLECH (HL7 encoding characters) must be defined before calling.
Extrinsic function call $$HLPHONE^HLFNC(X,B,C),
converts a phone number from DHCP format to HL7. X requred, B & C optional.
$$M10 |
Extrinsic function call $$M10^HLFNC(X), calculates
checksum using the M10 algorithm. HLECH (HL7 encoding characters) required, X
$$M11 |
Extrinsic function call $$M10^HLFNC(X), calculates
checksum using the M11 algorithm. HLECH (HL7 encoding characters) required, X
Extrinsic function call $$UPPER^HLFNC(X), converts
lower to uppercase. X required.