Input |
(Optional) If there is just one line of text to
output, it can be passed in the first parameter.
Input |
(Optional) If there is more than one line of text to
output, stored in a local array, then the first parameter of the call is the
name of the local array passed by reference and that contains string or
numeric literals, where:
ARRAY(1) = string 1
ARRAY(2) = string 2 ...
ARRAY(n) = string n
Input |
(Optional) An alternate way to pass the text to the
call is in a global root. In that case, the first parameter is null, and the
second parameter contains the name of the global root that contains string or
numeric literals, where:
@GLOBAL_ROOT@(1,0) = string 1
@GLOBAL_ROOT@(2,0) = string 2 ...
@GLOBAL_ROOT@(n,0) = string n or
@GLOBAL_ROOT@(1) = string 1
@GLOBAL_ROOT@(2) = string 2 ...
@GLOBAL_ROOT@(n) = string n
Input |
(Optional) Formatting instructions controlling how
the string is written or placed in the array. You can specify: One or more new
lines before the string (!, !!, !!!, etc.) Horizontal position of string (?n)
FORMAT can be any number of "!" characters optionally followed by "?n", where
n is an integer expression. The default FORMAT is "!".
This parameter can only be used when call format (1) is used to pass a single
string or numeric literal to EN^DDIOL.