Input |
This variable contains the date, in internal FileMan
format, on which the requested rate must be effective.
Input |
This variable describes the type of pension for which
a value is requested. The value of this variable must equal one of the two
following codes:
1 = Basic Pension 2 = Pension plus Aid & Attendance
Input |
This variable contains the number of dependents that
a veteran can claim.
Output |
The output of this function is of the form 1^2^3,
1 = Pension Rate. This is the pension rate of the required
type on the requested date, taking into account the number
of dependents that the veteran has. This value will be null
if a rate cannot be determined.
2 = Effective Date. This is the date on which the pension rate
returned above initally became effective.
3 = Prior Year Date. This value is optionally returned. If the
Effective Date of the pension rate is over one year in the
past, this date is returned as the Prior Year Date to
indicate that the pension rate has been effective for over
a year and may no longer be the most current rate.