Inpatient Medications 4.5 exported the AUDS cross
reference on the START DATE/TIME(#10) field of the UNIT DOSE(#55.06) multiple
of the PHARMACY PATIENT(#55) file. This cross reference is not referenced by
the Inpatient Medications software, and since this field is "hard set", the
cross reference is never set. This causes problems with locally created sort
templates on this field when running VA FILEMAN V21.
To elminate this problem, a routine will be exported in PSJ*4.5*12 that will
identify and delete this cross reference from the Data Dictionary.
The routine to be used for this is listed below:
PSJUTL2 ;B'ham ISC/MLM - REMOVE AUDS XREF FROM 55.06,10 ; 14 Apr 95 / 9:59AM
;;4.5; Inpatient Medications ;**12**;7 Oct 94
EN ; Entry point from programmer mode to delete the AUDS xref.
W "This routine was exported as part of PSJ*4.5*12 to delete the
W "cross reference from the PHARMACY PATIENT(#55) file.",!!
S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="NO",DIR("A")="Delete this cross reference?"
S DIR("?")="Enter ""YES"" to continue with this process or ""NO"" to
F X=0:0 S X=$O(^DD(55.06,10,1,X)) Q:'X D
.K:$G(^DD(55.06,10,1,X,0))="55^AUDS" ^DD(55.06,10,1,X)
K ^DD(55,0,"IX","AUDS",55.06,10)
W !!,"Done."
Inpatient Medications requests a PRIVATE DBIA with VA FILEMAN to directly K
^DD(55.06,10,1,X), where X is the IEN of the AUDS cross reference.