The health summary package needs permission to change
the "DEL" node in the DD structure for file 142.1. This will be done with the
SET command and will be done with patch 7.
Here is the code to reset the "DEL" node:
S ^DD(142.1,.01,"DEL",1,0)="I $S(+$G(DUZ(2))'>0:1,DUZ(2)=5000:0,(DA'<100
001)&(DA'>9999999):0,1:1) N GMZ S GMZ=$S(+$G(DUZ(2)):""ONLY Components Created
a t your site can be deleted"",1:""DUZ(2) MUST equal your DIVISION"") D
S ^DD(142.1,.01,"DEL",2,0)="I '$D(GMCMP) D EN^DDIOL(""You may only delet e
COMPONENTS using the GMTS IRM/ADPAC COMP EDIT option."","""",""!!"")"