The Risk Assessment module of the Surgery package contains options that locate
and store lab test values for certain lab tests, which are later transmitted
to the Surgery Risk Assessment database at Hines for eventual analysis. These
options allow for the automatic input of pre-operative and post-operative lab
test values into the Surgery file. Each lab test and its associated specimen
is defined in one of the Surgery package files along with the site-specific
'Data Name(s)' associated with each test. The information in this file is
used to locate the latest pre-operative test value within 30 days of the
operation and the highest and/or the lowest test value within 30 days after
the operation.
The following files within the LABORATORY package are pointed to by Surgery:
- File 63 (LAB DATA)
Sub-File 63.04 (CHEM, HEM, TOX, RIA, SER, etc.)
Surgery reads data in the following fields within file 63 (LAB DATA):
Global Reference: ^LR(LRDFN,"CH",INVERSE DATE/TIME,0), piece #1
The INVERSE DATE/TIME subscript is determined by looping through
^LR(LRDFN,"CH",INVERSE DATE/TIME) for the inverse date/time range
based on the date/time of operation and the date/time of operation
+/- 30 days (minus 30 days for pre-operative data or plus 30 days for
post-operative data).
Global Reference: ^LR(LRDFN,"CH",INVERSE DATE/TIME,0), piece #3
- 63.04,.05 - SPECIMEN TYPE
Global Reference: ^LR(LRDFN,"CH",INVERSE DATE/TIME,0), piece #5
- 63.04,* All LAB TEST fields associated with Risk Assessment
Global Reference: ^LR(LRDFN,"CH",INVERSE DATE/TIME,DATA NAME), piece #1
The DATA NAME subscript is determined by looping through
^LR(LRDFN,"CH",INVERSE DATE/TIME,DATA NAME) checking for a match with
site specific Risk Assessment lab test data names stored in the
Surgery package.
Because the Surgery package will be making direct reference to data in the
Laboratory namespace, we request a Database Integration Agreement with the
developers of the Laboratory package permitting Surgery to reference the above
mentioned Laboratory data structures.