This constitutes an agreement whereby the DHCP
Engineering Package (also known as AEMS/MERS) is allowed to use Field #62
(named 'RESERVED') of the Terminal Type File (#3.2) to allow sites to
customize the way they print bar coded equipment and location labels.
The bar code printing routines (ENLBL4 and ENLBL7) within the Engineering
Package contain program segments that send formatting instructions and print
requests to the user-selected bar code printer. The Engineering Package
assumes that the bar code printer is an Intermec 86xx compatible device and
that the site wants standard formatting.
Engineering needs:
1) a mechanism for interfacing to bar code printers that are not
Intermec 86xx compatible, and
2) a mechanism to allow sites to tailor the formats of their bar
coded equipment and location labels to meet local needs, if they
so desire.
This private integration agreement gives the Engineering Package permission to
reference Field #62 of the Terminal Type File (#3.2) entry that is pointed to
by the Device File (#3.5) entry of the selected bar code printer. The syntax
of the reference will be:
S X=$$GET1^DIQ(3.2,ENBCIOST(0),62)
where ENBCIOST(0) is the internal entry number of the bar code printer within
the Terminal Type File.
If $P(X,":") is equal to "ENG" then the Engineering Package will know that
pieces 2 through 5 (using ":" as a delimiter) will be executable statements,
as follows:
$P(X,":",2) will specify equipment formatting,
$P(X,":",3) will specify equipment data,
$P(X,":",4) will specify location formatting, and
$P(X,":",5) will specify location data.
An example of what a representative entry may look like is:
In this example:
program segment EQFOR^ENZLBL would be executed instead of FORMAT1^ENLBL7
If any of pieces 2 through 5 in a RESERVED field that begins with 'ENG:' is
null, then the corresponding code in routine ENLBL4 or ENLBL7 will be
Local variables in the ENBC* namespace will be passed to each of the
executable statements, as follows:
ENBCIO will be the IO variable of the bar code printer
ENBCIOSL " " " IOSL " " " " " "
ENBCIOF " " " IOF " " " " " "
ENBCION " " " ION " " " " " "
ENBCIOST " " " IOST " " " " " "
ENBCIOST(0) " " " IOST(0) " " " " " "
Local variable DA will be passed to the executable code that processes
equipment data and to the executable code that processes location data. In the
case of equipment data, DA will be the internal entry number of a record in
the Equipment File (#6914). For location data, DA will be the internal entry
number of a record in the Space File (#6928).