Returns a value indicating whether the user may
access a message or not.
Returns a value indicating whether the user may
answer a message or not.
Returns a value indicating whether a message was
broadcast or not.
Returns a value indicating whether a message is
"closed" or not.
Returns a value indicating whether a message is
"confidential" or not.
Returns a value indicating whether a message is
"confirm receipt requested" or not.
$$COPY |
Returns a value indicating whether the user may copy
a message or not.
Returns a value indicating whether the user may
delete (or terminate) a message or not.
Returns a value indicating whether the user may
forward a message or not.
$$INFO |
Returns a value indicating whether a message is
"information only" or not.
Returns a value indicating whether the user may
"later" a message or not.
$$MOVE |
Returns a value indicating whether the user may save
or filter a message or not.
Returns a value indicating whether the user sent the
message or not.
Returns a value indicating whether the user has
Postmaster privileges or not, including whether or not the user may perform
group message actions in SHARED,MAIL.
Returns a value indicating whether a message is
"priority" or not.
$$READ |
Returns a value indicating whether the user may read
a message or not.
Returns a value indicating whether the user may reply
to a message or not.
Returns a value indicating whether the surrogate has
READ privileges or not.
Returns a value indicating whether the surrogate has
READ or SEND privileges or not.
$$SEND |
Returns a value indicating whether the user may send
a message or not.
Returns a value indicating whether the surrogate may
access a message or not.
Returns a value indicating whether a message is
"confidential" or not, and if it is, whether the surrogate may access it.
Returns a value indicating whether the surrogate has
SEND privileges or not.
Returns a value indicating whether a message is
"closed" or not.
Returns a value indicating whether a message is
"confidential" or not.
Returns a value indicating whether a message is
"confirm receipt requested" or not.
Returns a value indicating whether a message is
"information only" or not.
Returns a value indicating whether the user sent the
message or not.
Returns a value indicating whether the user has
Postmaster privileges or not, including whether or not the user may perform
group message actions in SHARED,MAIL.
$$ZPRI |
Returns a value indicating whether a message is
"priority" or not.