Given an Internet date/time string, returns the VA
FileMan date/time.
$$CTRL |
Strip control characters from a string.
Change all ~U~ to ^ in a string.
Change all ^ to ~U~ in a string.
Given the time zone, returns the difference (+-hhmm)
from GMT.
$$INDT |
Given the VA FileMan date/time, returns the Internet
date/time string.
Reduce all three or more consecutive blanks in a
string to two.
$$MELD |
Combine a string and a number to form a new string of
a given length.
$$MMDT |
Given the VA FileMan date/time, returns MailMan
date/time string.
Strip control characters and leading/trailing blanks
from a string.
Strip leading/trailing blanks from a string.
Given the decimal time difference between time zones,
returns +-hhmm.
Return a timestamp.
Given a time zone (or time difference from GMT),
returns the number of hours and minutes difference between that and the local
time zone.