$$BSKT |
Returns which basket a message is in for a user.
$$DATE |
Returns the message sent date.
$$FROM |
Returns the message From information.
Returns the sequence number fo a message in this
user's basket.
$$LINE |
Returns the number of lines in the text of a message.
$$NEW |
Returns a value indicating whether or not a message
is new for this user in this basket.
$$PRI |
Returns a value indicating whether the message is
priority or not.
Determines whether a message is a response or not,
and, optionally, if it is, which response to which message.
$$RESP |
Returns the number of responses to a message.
$$SUBJ |
Returns the message subject.
Returns the message sent date.
Returns the message From.
Returns the message zero node.
$$ZPRI |
Returns a value indicating whether the message is
priority or not.
Returns the number of responses to a message this
user has read.
Returns the message subject.
Sets arrays with message information.
Sets arrays with message information, part 1.
Sets arrays with message information, part 2.
Sets an array with response information.
Sets arrays indicating how many responses a message
has, and how many of them the user has read.