Request an integration agreement between the Discharge Summary Team and the
OE/RR Team at the Salt Lake ISC for Discharge Summary version 1.0: 1. to
access protocol descriptions by direct reference to the ^ORD(101, and 2.
permission to call ^XQORM as described below.
Description: To allow the user to get a detailed description of the actions
that are executable from each of our menu-type protocols, we need to be able
to $ORDER through the subscript ^ORD(101,DO,10,D1,0) to get sub-fields #1
(ITEM) and # 3 (SEQUENCE) of the 101.01 multiple for each ITEM. Then get
field #1 (ITEM TEXT) and #3.5 (DESCRIPTION) for each PROTOCOL encountered in
the ITEM MULTIPLE for a given menu. To allow the user to retrieve Discharge
Summaries into the review screen based on Signature Status and Search Category
(e.g., by PATIENT, PROVIDER, or TREATING SPECIALTY), we need to be able to
execute a DIC call on file 101 to retrieve the zero node of a record and to
reference field # 24 (SCREEN) in order to set up the local variables to be
used to execute the ^XQORM call.