EN |
The entry point EN^PSJPATMR is provided by Inpatient
Medications package to address unique issues involved in the patient merge
process. Some sites were unable to merge duplicate patients due to data
exceptions. This API provides the patient merge software with an access point
to call before the package begins it data validation of the FROM and TO
records of the duplicate patients to clear up some of these data exceptions in
the PHARMACY PATIENT file (#55) specifically the Unit Dose and IV multiples.
DFN1: From Patient Internal File Number.
DFN2: To Patient Internal File Number.
If 1 is returned, the FROM patient orders will be moved to a higher IEN
(Internal Entry Number) range if duplicate IENs were found between the
FROM and TO patient. It will return a 0 to NOT continue with the pair
if the FROM patient has active inpatient orders or any orders currently
on a Pick List that has not been filed away.