Requesting read access/fileman to all fields in the
PARAMETER DEFINITION FILE (#8989.51) to retrieve the Clinical Procedures
Parameter definitions. Clinical Procedures is a strictly GUI application and
includes a Manager executable to setup and maintain site files and system
parameters. Additionally a lookup on the parameter definition file by name
screening by Entity Type allow for retrieval of all parameters for a specific
entity (i.e. Division) and display/update of these values. With the
information retrived from file 8989.51 this application dynamically configures
input screens for the user and sends data back to the server for the XPAR
API's to add/edit/delete parameter values in the XPAR utilities. Access is
read-only via GETS^DIQ, GET1^DIQ, FIND^DIC, and FIND1^DIC and is programmed to
only allow access to parameters in the subscribing package namespace.