Hardsetting global to contain all filds invovled in new
cross reference AMPIZZ for the .01 field:
S ^DD("IX",DA,0)="2^AMPIZZ^Inactivate ICN when patient is ZZ'd or delete
S ^DD("IX",DA,.1,0)="^^12^12^3000824^"
S ^DD("IX",DA,.1,1,0)="The set of this cross reference is to
inactivate a patient with an ICN"
S ^DD("IX",DA,.1,2,0)="(991.01) that have been ZZ'd. The rules for
inactivation will be"
S ^DD("IX",DA,.1,3,0)="enforced."
S ^DD("IX",DA,.1,4,0)=" "
S ^DD("IX",DA,.1,5,0)="The kill of this cross reference is to
inactivate a patient with"
S ^DD("IX",DA,.1,6,0)="an ICN (991.01) that has been deleted (@
entered on the.01). "
S ^DD("IX",DA,.1,7,0)=" "
S ^DD("IX",DA,.1,8,0)="The rules for Inactivtion will be enforced. If
in either situation, the"
S ^DD("IX",DA,.1,9,0)="rules don't allow for automatically
inactivating the ICN, an exception"
S ^DD("IX",DA,.1,10,0)="message will be generated."
S ^DD("IX",DA,.1,11,0)=" "
S ^DD("IX",DA,.1,12,0)="Inactivating an ICN deletes fields 991.01,
991.0 2, 991.03 and 991.04"
S ^DD("IX",DA,1)="I $T(ZZSET^MPIFDEL)'="""",$E(X2(1),1,2)=""ZZ"" D
S ^DD("IX",DA,2)="I $T(ZZKILL^MPIFDEL)'="""",X2(1)="""" D
S ^DD("IX",DA,11.1,0)="^.114IA^1^1"
S ^DD("IX",DA,11.1,1,0)="1^F^2^.01^^^F"
S ^DD("IX",DA,11.1,"B",1,1)=""
S ^DD("IX",DA,11.1,"BB",1,1)=""
Hardsetting global to contain all filds invovled in new cross reference ATSSN
on the .09 field (the DA value here will be different than the one above):
S ^DD("IX",DA,0)="2^ATSSN^Inactivates Pts that have 5 leading zeros
for SSN^MU^^F^IR^I^2^^^^^A"
S ^DD("IX",DA,.1,0)="^^5^5^3020111^"
S ^DD("IX",DA,.1,1,0)="The set of this cross reference is to
inactivate a patient with an ICN"
S ^DD("IX",DA,.1,2,0)="(991.01) that have the SSN field value changed
to a SSN with 5 leading "
S ^DD("IX",DA,.1,3,0)="zeros. The rules for inactivation will be
S ^DD("IX",DA,.1,4,0)=""
S ^DD("IX",DA,.1,5,0)="There is not a kill of this cross reference
since SSN is a required field."
S ^DD("IX",DA,1)="I $T(SSET^MPIFDEL)'="""",$E(X2(1),1,5)=""00000"" D S
S ^DD("IX",DA,2)="Q"
S ^DD("IX",DA,11.1,0)="^.114IA^1^1"
S ^DD("IX",DA,11.1,1,0)="1^F^2^.09^^^F"
S ^DD("IX",DA,11.1,"B",1,1)=""
S ^DD("IX",DA,11.1,"BB",1,1)=""
S ^DD("IX","IX","ATSSN",DA)=""
S ^DD("IX","BB",2,"ATSSN",DA)=""
S ^DD("IX","B",2,DA)=""
S ^DD("IX","AC",2,DA)=""
S ^DD("IX","F",2,.09,DA,1)=""