The Enrollment Application System requests ability to
read data via FileMan from several fields in the INCOME PERSON (#408.13) file.
The VistA-resident portion of the 1010EZ module accepts data transmitted to
the site electronically from a web-based application where a veteran has
entered enrollment data. In a some cases, information about the veteran
applicant will already reside in the site's patient database. If that is the
case, then the 1010EZ module is required to display both the newly submitted
data and the existing data for comparison purposes.
The Enrollment Application System requests ability to write data using FileMan
to the same fields in the INCOME PERSON (#408.13) file.
Since the 1010EZ is a means of initiating enrollment/registration, it is of
course necessary to commit the data to the database. Medical center users may
review and edit the data, as needed, before filing. The data placed in file
#408.13 will be further edited at the time of formal Registration and Means