Kernel developers allow Imaging to dowload the XUSRB1,
XUMF333, and XULFDT routines onto satellite DICOM gateways. The routines are
not renamed nor modified on the gateways. Imaging is using supported APIs
from these routines. The Imaging DICOM workstations do not have KERNEL
installed, it has Micronetic M and a limited translation table to the hospital
This IA will also request the following be provided on any future patches to
these routines. This will inform Imaging users on the procedures to follow
for downloading the Imaging routines on the gateways.
If you are running Vista Imaging, use the menu option to copy the routines
to the Imaging DICOM gateways as follows: "On the Vista server (hospital
database), use menu option 'Copy Routines to DICOM Gateway' located under the
'Imaging System Manager' Menu. Then on all Text and Image gateways use the
'System Maintenance' menu to select 'Gateway Configuration and DICOM Master
File' and then select 'Download Current Radiology and MAS Routines'. This will
cause the up-to-date versions of all radiology and MAS routines to be copied
to the gateway systems."