Registration requests permission to reference the
variable XQY0 to obtain the current menu option. DG FIELD MONITOR logic will
be designed to run reguardless of the XQY0 being defined or set to "null".
The DG FIELD MONITOR protocol provides an event point to monitor field editing
in the DG* application files. Cross references and subscribers are added when
applications need to monitor activity on a field. XQY0 contains the current
menu option in the option name^menu text format when the cross references and
event point are executed. This information is made available to the
subscribing applications.
Variable: XQY0 = First node(zero subscript) of the current option.
Patient Name Standardization uses the XQY0 variable to identify the option
name. It will populate the NOTES ABOUT NAME (#11) field in the NAME
COMPONENTS (#20) file with the User's name, DUZ, and option name when an entry
is added or updated in the Name Components file.