The Problem List Application is granted permission to
add three (3) components to the Health Summary Application's Health Summary
Component File (142.1). They are: ACTIVE PROBLEMS, INACTIVE PROBLEMS and FULL
PROBLEM LIST. The new components will be added in a post-init using ^DIC.
The components are installed using code provided to us by the Health Summary
developers. FileMan variables DIC, DIC(0), DLAYGO, DINUM, and X are set to
add each component to the Health Summary Component file if it's not already
there; entry numbers 59-61 were given to the Problem List pkg to use for these
components. Once entered into the file, DR is set and DIE called to stuff in
the values of the other fields.
The following was added on 4/12/94:
To support the addition of new components to the Health Summary Application,
the following actions are taken in the post-init.
1. Routine GMPLHSPL is renamed to GMTSPLST.
2. The post-init sets ^GMT(142.1,DA,3.5 nodes.