Output | Output
The CPRS Remote Data View server code expects the DoD data to be populated in
^TMP global nodes. The output generated by calls to GCPR^OMGCOAS1 is
described in the following sections for each of the supported data partitions.
In each section, the global nodes in ^TMP populated by the call are
identified, and the data fields stored into these nodes are defined and mapped
to elements in one of the data model templates maintained by the NGIT
Framework. The following templates are used:
LAB Laboratory data LabWebTopTemplate0204
RAD Radiology data RadWebTopTemplate0102
MED Medications data MedWebTopTemplate0205
ENC Patient Encounter data PatientEncounterTemplate0102
WL Working List data WorkingListTemplate0101
CONS Consults data ConsultsTemplate0101
The CORBA request for DoD data may fail with an exception status. If so, an
error message is written to the global output node in ^TMP that would
otherwise contain the Facility name. The most common cause of an exception is
failure to connect to the Framework, in which case the error message should
appear as:
Unable to connect to DoD repository. Please contact the
National Help Desk at 1-888-596-HELP (4357). Chemistry and Hematology Data (LRC):
IDT = Inverse collection date/time
CND = Print order sequence number from file 60
CDT = Count value for observations
SPC = Specimen for lab order in an external printable form
TST = Lab test ordered in a external printable form
RSL = Numeric result of test
FLG = Reference flag (H, *H,L,*L).
UNT = Unit of measure (external format).
LO = Reference/Therapeutic Lower bound.
HI= Reference/Therapeutic Upper bound.
^TMP("LRC ,$J,IDT, C )=Comments
^TMP("LRO",$J,IDT,CNT,"facility")=Facility Standard Lab Orders Data (LRO):
IDT = Inverse collection date/time of order.
cnt = Count value for observations.
CDT = Collection date/time of order.
TST = Lab test ordered. Variable format A;B where A=internal pointer,
B=external text.
SPC = Specimen. Variable format A;B where A=internal pointer, B=external
URG = Urgency of lab order.
OS = Status of lab order.
MD = Provider. Variable format A;B where A=internal pointer, B=external
ODT = Date/Time lab ordered.
ACC = Accession number of lab order.
RDT = Date/Time results for this lab order available.
COL = Lab or ward collect.
^TMP("LRO",$J,IDT,SN_FN,"facility")=Facility Surgical Pathology Data:
^TMP("LRA",$J,IDT,0) = <Date/Time Specimen Taken>^<Surgical Path Acc#>
^TMP("LRA",$J,IDT,.1) = "Site/Specimen"^<Report Release Date/Time>
^TMP("LRA",$J,IDT,.1,sub1) = <Specimen ID>.<Body Site>:<Specimen Type>
^TMP("LRA",$J,IDT,1.4,sub2) = <Surgical Pathology Diagnosis text>
^TMP("LRA",$J,IDT,"facility") = <Facility> Cytopathology Data:
^TMP("LRCY",$J,IDT,0) = <Date/Time Specimen taken>^<Cytopath Acc#>
^TMP("LRCY",$J,IDT,1) = "Site/Specimen"^<Report Release Date/Time>
^TMP("LRCY",$J,IDT,1,sub1) = <Specimen ID>.<Body Site>:<Specimen Type>
^TMP("LRCY",$J,IDT,"NDX",sub2) = <Cytology Diagnosis>
^TMP("LRCY",$J,IDT,"facility") = <Facility> Microbiology Data:
^TMP("LRM",$J,RPT,SS,"RPT",n)=OC^ON^OQ ;organism category^name^quantity
^TMP("LRM",$J,RPT,SS,"REPORT ,n)=text line of formatted report based on "RPT
RPT = Inverse report date/time
SS = subscript value
CDT = Collection date/time
ACC = Accession
CS = Collection Sample
SS = Specimen
TST = Lab Test Ordered
RSTA = Report Status
ANTN = Antibiotic name
SEN = Sensitivity
INT = Interpretation Radiology Report Data:
Global variable definitions:
GMTSIDT = reverse exam date/time
^TMP("RAE",$J,GMTSIDT,sub1,0)= <exam date> ^ <procedure> ^ <exam status> ^
<report status> ^ <prim interpreting resident> ^ <primary interpreting staff>
^ <CPT code> ^ <technologist> ^ <case number>
^TMP("RAE",$J, GMTSIDT,sub1,"facility") = <Facility>
^TMP("RAE",$J, GMTSIDT,sub1,"H",sub2) = <History text>
^TMP("RAE",$J, GMTSIDT,sub1,"R",sub2) = report text line, where report text is
formatted as follows:
<Test Name>
Exm Date: <Exam date>
Req Phys: <Primary interpreting staff> Pat Loc:
Img Loc: <Location>
Exam: <Fill id> <Procedure> CPT: <CPT code>
Report Status: <report status> Date verified: <verification date>
Reason for order:
<order comments> Order Comment:
<result text> All Outpatient RX Data
This call is to be used when requesting Outpatient RX data from the FHIE
Framework for display through CPRS.
IFD = Inverse last fill date of Rx.
ID = Issue date of Rx.
FD = Last fill date of Rx.
DR = Drug in Rx. Variable format A;B where A=internal pointer, B=external
PR = Provider. Variable format A;B where A=internal pointer, B=external
ST = Status of Rx. Variable format A;B where A=internal pointer, B=external
RX = Rx number.
QT = Quantity of DRG in Rx.
RF = Number of refills remaining.
EX = Expire/Cancel date of Rx.
SIG = Medication instruction for this Rx. Output:
^TMP("PSOO",$J,IFD,"facility") = Facility [#Facility number] [,Phone number] Discharge Summary report
This call is to be used when requesting Discharge Summary data from the FHIE
Framework for display through CPRS. The DoD Discharge Summary report will be
formatted and passed in the HL7 message to the FHIE framework in formatted
form. The report information is retrieved and displayed in the CPRS report
exactly as formatted by the DoD CHCS I site.
^TMP("ORDATA",$J,IDT, WP ,1)=1^Facility name
^TMP("ORDATA",$J, IDT, WP ,2)=2^Admitted date/time
^TMP("ORDATA",$J, IDT, WP ,3)=3^Discharge date/time
^TMP("ORDATA",$J, IDT, WP ,4)=4^Author/Dictated by
^TMP("ORDATA",$J, IDT, WP ,5)=5^Approved by
^TMP("ORDATA",$J, IDT, WP ,6)=6^Status
^TMP("ORDATA",$J, IDT,"WP",9,report line number)=9^Report text lines ADT Summary report
This call is to be used when requesting ADTdata from the FHIE Framework for
display through CPRS. The DoD ADT Summary information is passed to the FHIE
framework through the appropriate ADT HL7 messages. The data is parsed and
formatted into the appropriate ADT summary report consistent with CPRS Remote
Data Views.
^TMP("ORDATA",$J,IDT,report line count)=report text line
Report Format:
<Patient Name> <Social Security Number> DOB: <Date of Birth>
<Facility Name>
<Movement Date/Time> <Transaction Type> <Type of Movement>
Provider/Specialty: <Provider/Specialty> <Ward Specialty>
Attending/Ward: <Provider/Attending> <Ward>
Admitting DX: <Admitting Diagnosis>
Bed Section: <Bed Section> LOS: <Length of Stay>
Disposition Place: <Disposition Place>
Admitting Procedures:
<Adm Procedure date/time> <Admitting Procedure>
Procedure <Procedure date/time> <Procedure>
Procedure <Procedure date/time> <Procedure>
<< repeats with multiple observations>> Allergy report
This call is to be used when requesting Allergy data from the FHIE Framework
for display through CPRS. The DoD ADT Summary information is passed to the
FHIE framework through the appropriate HL7 messages. The data is parsed and
formatted into the appropriate Allergy summary report consistent with CPRS
Remote Data Views.
^TMP("ORDATA",$J,IDT,"WP",1)=1^Facility Name
^TMP("ORDATA",$J,IDT,"WP",2)=2^Characteristic Observed (Allergy Reactant)
^TMP("ORDATA",$J,IDT,"WP",3)=3^Allergy Type
^TMP("ORDATA",$J,IDT,"WP",6,report line number)=6^Comments Consult Report
This call is to be used when requesting Allergy data from the FHIE Framework
for display through CPRS. The DoD ADT Summary information is passed to the
FHIE framework through the appropriate HL7 messages. The data is parsed and
formatted into the appropriate Allergy summary report consistent with CPRS
Remote Data Views.
^TMP("ORDATA",$J,IDT,"WP",1)=1^Facility Name
^TMP("ORDATA",$J,IDT,"WP",2)=2^Request Date
^TMP("ORDATA",$J,IDT,"WP",3)=3^Completion Date
^TMP("ORDATA",$J,IDT,"WP",4)=4^Consult Service
^TMP("ORDATA",$J,IDT,"WP",6)=6^Procedure Type
^TMP("ORDATA",$J,IDT,"WP",7,report line number)=7^Consult
Report Text Lines SADR Report
This call is to be used when requesting this SADR (Standard Ambulatory Data
Record) data from the FHIE Framework for display through CPRS. The DoD SADR
information is passed to the FHIE framework through the appropriate SADR HL7
messages. The data is parsed and formatted into a SADR report consistent with
CPRS Remote Data Views.
^TMP("ORDATA",$J,IDT, WP ,report line count) = report text lines
Report Format:
Date Facility Hospital Location
<Enc Date> <Facility Name> <Service Code> <Service Text>
Encounter Provider ID: <Provider ID>
PCM Code: <PCM Code>
Diagnosis: <ICD9 Code> <Diagnosis Text>
<ICD9 Code> <Diagnosis Text>
Procedure: <MEPRS code> <Procedure Description>
<MEPRS code> <Procedure Description>
E and M: <E and M code> <E and M Description>
<< Diagnoses and procedures repeat for multiple occurrences in the data>>