Input |
First parameter, passed by reference, contains
information related to the authorization document transaction.
DATA(2) = Authorization ID
DATA(3) = Transaction Type
DATA(4) = Accounting Code String
DATA(5) = Fee Program
DATA(6) = Entered_dr (debit)
DATA(7) = Entered_cr (credit)
DATA(8) = Estimated Amount
DATA(9) = Agent ID
DATA(10) = Treatment From Date,
formatted as YYYYMMDD
DATA(11) = Treatment To Date,
formatted as YYYYMMDD
.PatientData |
Input |
Second parameter, passed by reference, is
patient-related information:
PDATA(1) = Veteran ID (the full SSN)
PDATA(2) = Veteran ICN
PDATA(3) = Veteran Last Name
PDATA(4) = Veteran First Name
PDATA(5) = Veteran Middle Initial
PDATA(6) = Veteran Suffix
XTMP global |
Output |
Header Node: ^XTMP("CSLroutineName;MSGID";0) =
[n] Where: n = piece number ("^" delimited)
MSGID = HL7 message ID consisting of
Station# concatenated with IEN to
^HLMA for original HL7 message.
[1] = Purge Date (current date+35 days),
FileMan internal date format.
[2] = Create Date (current date),
FileMan internal date format.
[3] = User-friendly status message
to indicate message processing
is completed.
Data Node:
^XTMP("CSLroutineName;MSGID";"Subscript_Name") = data
Authorization ID
Pre Validation Message
[1] = $H when HL7 message was submitted
for transmission to CoreFLS.
[2] = $H when CoreFLS response was
[3] = Computed time used for the round trip
to CoreFLS in the following format:
days hours:minutes:seconds.
[4] = DUZ of user who created the message in
VistA Fee Basis.
For exceptions sent by CoreFLS, the error message will be stored after the
zero node as follows:
^XTMP("CSLFB25;MSGID","ERR",$H) = Error
description, applicable for both
Application Error (AE) and
Application Reject (AR)