Input |
Patient IEN.
Input |
Last day of month for the LTC co-pay calculation in
FM format (e.g. 3020131).
Input |
(Length of stay) The number of days in the patient's
LTC episode.
Output |
function returns 0 or compound string with "^"
delimiters. "0" return value indicates that no completed LTC co-pay test on
file (there is no 1010EC form) for patient for the month. if returns
string then:
piece 1: LTC co-pay test status (1=Exempt; 2=Non-Exempt)
piece 2: If Exempt, Reason for Exemption (IEN of file
piece 3: Calculated LTC co-payment for inpatient care for
LOS = 1-180 days.
piece 4: Calculated LTC co-payment for inpatient care for
LOS = 181+ days.
piece 5: Calculated LTC co-payment for outpatients.