Component used by Beneficiary Travel, Incomplete
Records Tracking, and Library to add CoreFLS vendors into the LOCAL VENDOR
file (#392.31) through standalone menus.
Makes a check for the COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE LIBRARY (CSL) package, then
queries the CoreFLS system for a vendor. Selected vendor will be added to the
LOCAL VENDOR file (#392.31).
Component used by Beneficiary Travel and Library.
Called by the output transform, it sets a variable to the current LOCAL VENDOR
file (#392.31) value. It then uses this value for evaluation when called in
the input transform.
; input: Y := internal value sent by Output Transform
; output: Y := converted to external value
; DGBTV := internal value
Component used by Beneficiary Travel and Library.
Called from an input template or DR string which sends four parameters
including the evaluated variable from the Output Tranform. This module
determines whether to prompt for CoreFLS query and add a new entry to the
pointed field of the LOCAL VENDOR file (#392.31).
AFTER(FILE,IEN,X,DGBTV) ; called from template or DR string.
; input FILE := File number of field to update.
; IEN := Dzero variable
; X := entered response (X) from call.
; DGBTV := previous value
; output: -1 := no success with entry
; >0 := vendor successfully updated
FILE = 392 will update COREFLS CARRIER field (#14) of the
FILE = 680 will update MICROFILM COREFLS VENDOR field (#2.6) of
the LOCAL SERIALS file (#680).
FILE = 680.6 will update DEFAULT COREFLS VENDOR field (#.09) of
the LIBRARY PARAMETERS file (#680.6).
FILE = 681 will update COREFLS VENDOR field (3.01) of the LBRY
DISPOSITION file (#681).