Name | Value |
NUMBER | 4173 |
IA # | 4173 |
DATE CREATED | 2007/02/28 |
USAGE | Supported |
TYPE | Other |
NAME | VistALink J2M Java APIs [] |
GENERAL DESCRIPTION | This ICR describes the supported VistALink J2M (v1.5) Java APIs for the file. It is strongly recommended that you consult the javadoc for the VistALink J2M software for more detail on all supported VistALink J2M Java APIs. Jar: Security Packages: Package ===================================== J2SE security module for VistaLink; contains JAAS login module supporting a JAAS client/server login to a Vista M system. Class Summary ============= CallbackHandlerSwing Implements the JAAS CallbackHandler interface. CallbackHandlerSwingCCOW Implements the JAAS CallbackHandler interface. CallbackHandlerUnitTest Implements the JAAS CallbackHandler interface. DialogConfirm Swing Dialog to display an error, informational message, help, or post-sign-in text to user, and collect their response (OK or CANCEL, depending on type of message). VistaKernelPrincipalImpl A JAAS principal representing a logged on Kernel user on an M system. VistaLoginModule A JAAS-compliant LoginModule to log users on to a Vista system. Exception Summary ================= VistaLoginModuleException Represents a LoginException thrown by the LoginModule. VistaLoginModuleIPLockedException If thrown, the user's IP has been locked due to too many times with invalid credentials. VistaLoginModuleLoginsDisabledException If thrown, logins are disabled on the M server. VistaLoginModuleNoJobSlotsAvailableException If thrown, job slot maximum has been exceeded on M server. VistaLoginModuleNoPathToListenerException If thrown, no reachable listener was found on the path represented by the specified IP address and Port. VistaLoginModuleTooManyInvalidAttemptsException If thrown, the user tried to login too many times with invalid credentials. VistaLoginModuleUserCancelledException Represents a user cancellation of Login. VistaLoginModuleUserTimedOutException User timed out of a login. Package ======================================= Base Security implementation (J2SE and J2EE). Interface Summary ================= VistaKernelPrincipal Provides an interface to mark a principal that represents a logged on Kernel user on an M system. Class Summary ============= VistaInstitutionVO Represents a Vista Institution, including IEN, Station Name and Station Number. Exception Summary ================= SecurityAccessVerifyCodePairInvalidException Represents an authentication failure during an access/verify code-based re-authentication attempt, where either the access code, verify code (or both) authentication credentials are invalid. SecurityConnectionProxyException This exception fault is returned from M, and signifies that the connection proxy used to create the connection was invalid in some way, and a connection could not be established to the EIS. SecurityDivisionDeterminationFaultException Represents an authentication failure during a re-authentication attempt, in which an invalid division has been passed for the user on whose behalf re-authentication is being attempted. SecurityFaultException This fault exception class is used for all security-related errors returned from the M system. SecurityIdentityDeterminationFaultException Represents an authentication failure during a re-authentication attempt, in which the credentials passed for re-authentication (DUZ, VPID, etc.) could not be matched with an actual Kernel user. SecurityIPLockedFaultException This exception fault is returned from M, and signifies that the IP address has been locked due to too many invalid logins.user's login credentials were invalid too many times, and the M system is rejecting further login attempts as a result. SecurityPrimaryStationMismatchException This exception fault is returned from M, and signifies that there was a mismatch between the client primary station (mapped to the connector) and the primary station of the M account the connector accessed (based on the value of the DEFAULT INSTITUTION field of the Kernel System Parameters file). SecurityProductionMismatchException This exception fault is returned from M, and signifies that there was a mismatch between the client and the server in the designation of each side as production or non-production. SecurityTooManyInvalidLoginAttemptsFaultException This exception fault is returned from M, and signifies that the user's login credentials were invalid too many times, and the M system is rejecting further login attempts as a result. SecurityUserAuthorizationException Represents an authorization failure during a re-authentication attempt, e.g., DISUSER flag is set for the re-authentication user, prohibited times of day is set, etc. SecurityUserVerifyCodeException Represents a failure during a re-authentication attempt, where the user's verify code is expired or requires changing. |
STATUS | Withdrawn |
DURATION | Till Otherwise Agreed |