Monitors are defined in the HL7 Monitor file (#776.)
The STATUS field (#2) in this file can be used to turn monitors on (when set
to ACTIVE) or off (when set to INACTIVE.) If this field is INACTIVE, no jobs
will be queued for the monitor. And, any queued jobs will stop immediately
when they start before the execution of the monitor's M code.
The syntax for this API is:
The variable HLEVIENE is pre-defined for the application developer creating
calls to $$ONOFFM^HLEVAPI0. They do not need to create the variable; just
pass it.
There are three allowable values for the second STATUS parameter, as shown in
the following table.
STATUS Value Results
A Sets the STATUS field in the HL7 Monitor file to ACTIVE. I
Sets the STATUS field in the HL7 Monitor file to INACTIVE. "" Returns
the current value of the STATUS field.
Input |
The HLEVIENE variable is the internal entry number of
the monitor entry in the HL7 Monitor file (#776.1.) This variable is
pre-defined for the application developer, and just needs to be passed into
the API as the first parameter.
Input |
There are three allowable values for the second
STATUS parameter, as shown in the following table.
STATUS Value Results
A Sets the STATUS field in the HL7 Monitor file to ACTIVE. I
Sets the STATUS field in the HL7 Monitor file to INACTIVE. "" Returns
the current value of the STATUS field.
Passing A or I results in the STATUS field being changed to ACTIVE or INACTIVE
respectively. Passing null returns the current value of the STATUS field
without making any changes to the field.