Output: The following string of characteristics for a patient:
1^2^3^4^5^6^7^8^9^10^11, where
1 = Pt SC>50% [1-yes|0 or null-no]
2 = Receives Aid & Attendance [1-yes|0 or null-no]
3 = Receives Housebound benefits [1-yes|0 or null-no]
4 = Receives VA Pension [1-yes|0 or null-no]
5 = Receives Military Disability Retirement
[1-yes|0 or null-no]
6 = Non-veteran [1-yes|0 or null-no]
7 = Inpatient [1-yes|0 or null-no] (not used by IB)
8 = Former POW veteran [1-yes|0 or null-no]
9 = Unemployable veteran [1-yes|0 or null-no]
10 = Catastrophically Disabled veteran [1-yes|0 or null-no]
11 = Medal of Honor [1-yes|0 or null-no]
This call is used to determine if a patient is automatically exempt
from Pharmacy copay.
Output: The following string of characteristics for a patient's
Means Test:
1^2^3^4^5, where
1 = Pointer to the test in file #408.31
2 = Date of Test
3 = Test Status Name
4 = Test Status Code
5 = Type of Test used
This call is used to determine which Means Test or Copay Test should
be used to determine if a patient is exempt from Pharmacy copay based
on reported income.
Input |
Pointer to the patient in file #2.
Input |
Desired date to return Means test data
Input |
Indicator to determine what types of tests to use:
1 -> Means Tests only
2 -> Copay Tests only
else -> both Means Tests and Copay Tests