Oakland |
To avoid the need to send out the entire DD to update
the DESCRIPTION of the STTE(#5) file the following is a one time code used in
routine: XU8P328 to update the DESCRIPTION:
XU8P328 ;OIFOO/SO- POST INSTALL;8:35 AM 6 Nov 2003
;;8.0;KERNEL;**328**;Jul 10, 1995
DES D MES^XPDUTL("Updating STATE(#5) file's Description.")
K ^DIC(5,"%D")
S ^DIC(5,"%D",0)="^^5^5^3031105^"
S ^DIC(5,"%D",1,0)="This file contains the name of the state (or
outlying area) as issued"
S ^DIC(5,"%D",2,0)="by the Department of Veterans Affairs and issued
in M-1, Part I,"
S ^DIC(5,"%D",3,0)="Appendix B. These entries should remain as
distributed and should not be"
S ^DIC(5,"%D",4,0)="edited or updated unless done via a software
upgrade or under direction"
S ^DIC(5,"%D",5,0)="of VA Central Office."