Electronic Signature is a collection of Java APIs to
validate, retrieve, and save electronic signature codes and related data on
the M server, as well as APIs to encrypt and decrypt strings similar to the
APIs provided by the existing VA Kernel 8.0 electronic signature APIs.
The Java APIs provide HSD&D developers that are rehosting their applications
to a new Java environment a standardized method for migrating their electronic
signature functionality. It is hoped that this will reduce duplication of
effort, promote more efficient use of limited development resources, and
satisfy the VistA user's business needs.
This IA permits Electronic Signature to access electronic signature-related
data in the NEW PERSON file (#200) as listed in the GLOBAL REFERENCE section
of this Integration Agreement. All fields are accessed via VA FileMan calls,
such as $$GET1^DIQ and FILE^DIE, rather than direct global reads.