In support of the Outpatient Pharmacy Automation
Dispense project, Pharmacy Data Management needs to know when changes are made
to entries in the DRUG file (#50). National Drug File data updates make
changes to entries in this file. To meet this need, NDF requests permission
to call routine PSSDGUPD at entry point PSN. The array ^TMP($J,"^",IEN where
IEN is the internal entry number in the DRUG file (#50) wil be sent to this
entry point. The matching and unmatching processes also make changes to the
drug file that need to be sent to PDM. To this end, NDF requests permission
to call routine PSSHUIDG at entry point DRG with the variable PSNB (if an
entry is being matched) or DA (if an entry is being unmatched) representing
the internal entry number in the drug file.