The Code Text Descriptors project modifies the
identifier on the INACTIVE (#15) field of the DRG file (80.2).
The new identifier makes a function call into $$IDDGS^ICDID to return
versioned data for both the DESCRIPTION and the status in the INACTIVE field.
The function has only one input parameter, the Internal Entry Number for file
#80.2. Routine ICDID will also look to see if the package namespaced variable
ICDVDT is in the environment. ICDVDT is a versioning date. If ICDVDT is not
found in the environment (not supplied) then TODAY will be used and the
DESCRIPTION and INACTIVE fields for TODAY will be displayed. If the variable
ICDVDT is found in the environment, and is a date other than TODAY, then the
appropriate DESCRIPTION and INACTIVE fields will be displayed for the date.
The identifiers will be changed to:
^DD(80.2,0,"ID",15)= D EN^DDIOL((" "_$$IDDGS^ICDID(+Y)),"","?0")
This will be exported in the combined build CTD UTIL 1.0, containing
ICPT*6.0*19, ICD*18.0*12 and LEX*2.0*30.