YS |
Input |
YS, is the input array. This array contains multiple
YS("DFN")= the patient DFN from file #2.
YS("CODE")= the Mental Health Instrument name from file #601
YS(n)=equal the test question number and the user answer for that question.
n is the test question number and the subscript value is n^User
Example YS(1)=1^T, YS(2)=2^F
Output |
This output array is in the format of YSDATA(1) and
If the test is complete YSDATA(2) will be in this format YSDATA(2)="OK". If
the test is not complete YSDATA(2) will be in this format YSDATA(2)="0^the
question number that still need to be answer, if multiple questions need to be
answer the question numbers will be separated by a comma.